Creation responsive internet website for multiple platforms. Building mobile interface on screen of laptop, tablet, smartphone. Layout content on display devices. Conceptual banner of web technology.
Innovate, Transform, Thrive: Embrace the Future with Our Software Solutions

With our expertise in mobile and web development, cloud hosting, and support services, we are dedicated to helping you achieve your digital objectives. Explore our comprehensive range of solutions, tailored to meet your unique needs, and embark on a transformative journey with us. Welcome to a world of limitless possibilities in software innovation and success.

Welcome to our cutting-edge software solutions company

 We specialize in developing innovative and user-centric software applications that cater to a diverse range of needs. Whether you require mobile or web applications, dev-ops & tech-ops services, secured cloud server and database hosting, or reliable support and maintenance services, we have you covered. Partner with us today and unlock the power of software to drive your business forward.

Software Development

We build custom software applications tailored to our client's requirements  be it a mobile app, a web app or an enterprise software  development.

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System Integration

We integrate existing software with new solutions, integrating third-party software components, and creating seamless workflows across various systems.

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Cloud Services

We offer cloud-based services such as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) &  Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that enable clients to leverage the scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency of cloud computing.

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Quality Assurance Clipboard Icon
Quality Assurance and Testing

We ensure the quality and reliability of our services via rigorous testing and quality assurance procedures to identify and address any issues, ensuring that the software meets high standards of functionality and usability.

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Support and Maintenance

We offer ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure the smooth operation of software applications. This may include bug fixes, updates, performance monitoring, and technical assistance.

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Consultancy and Advisory Services

We provide consultancy and advisory services to help our clients make informed decisions regarding software solutions, technology stacks, scalability, and optimization.

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Modern UI Design and Development

With our expertise in the latest web technologies and industry best practices, we craft stunning and user-friendly web apps that leave a lasting impression.

  • Responsive and Mobile-Friendly
  • Optimized Performance
  • Design Excellence
  • suits your style

Elevate Your Business with Cutting-Edge Software Solutions

With each line of code, we pour our creativity, expertise, and dedication into crafting software that revolutionizes industries, simplifies processes, and empowers businesses. Our passion fuels our pursuit of excellence, driving us to push boundaries, explore new technologies, and deliver software that exceeds expectations. 

Fueling Excellence Through Passion 

At the heart of our company beats an unwavering passion for software development. We thrive on the endless possibilities that technology offers and embrace the challenge of turning ideas into extraordinary solutions.

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Businessman using a computer  analysis for process and workflow automation with flowchart, a businessman in background

Team work: The fuel that drives collaboration

At our company, we believe in team work to deliver exceptional results. We embrace a culture of dedication, perseverance, and going the extra mile to ensure client satisfaction. With a team of highly skilled professionals, we thrive on challenging projects and relish the opportunity to push our limits

We meticulously plan and manage projects, ensuring that deadlines are met and objectives are achieved. We pay attention to the smallest details and leave no stone unturned in pursuit of perfection.

Our clients


Open Source Solutions: Embracing the Power of Collaboration

At Sanvit Solutions, we are strong advocates of open source software development. We believe that collaboration and shared knowledge are key drivers of innovation and progress in the tech industry. Join us on this exciting journey, where open source principles form the foundation of our software development process


Unleash the power of JavaScript for scalable and efficient server-side web development


Empower your web development with a sleek and responsive front-end framework.

Git Lab

The all-in-one DevOps platform for streamlined collaboration, version control, and continuous integration and deployment


Simplify application deployment by packaging software into standardized containers for easy portability and scalability


A versatile server-side scripting language that powers dynamic web applications with its simplicity and extensive feature set


An open-source operating system renowned for its stability, security, and flexibility, empowering users with a robust and customizable computing environment

Vue jS
Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework that makes building dynamic and interactive web interfaces a breeze. 
Laravel is a powerful and elegant PHP framework that simplifies web application development to create efficient and scalable web solutions.
Experience the freedom and security of browsing with Firefox, the open-source web browser of choice
Kathmandu , Nepal - oct 30, 2019:  the golden spire of the Buddhist stupa Boudhanath, adorned with thousands of prayer flags, stands out in the sky of Kathmandu

Request a Demo

Are you ready to see how our software solutions can revolutionize your business? Request a demo and let us guide you through the capabilities and features of our cutting-edge applications.

Hear from our clients

Hear from our valued clients about their experiences working with us and the impact our software solutions have had on their businesses.